GEOG4086 Urban and Environmental Planning

Undergraduate Course, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2022

This course introduces students to the field of urban planning. Firstly, this course approaches urban planning by historical analysis. We, therefore, first, study how cities across the world grew and developed since the industrial revolution. Based on this preliminary understanding, we proceed to take stock of the various theories built to understand urban planning practices. Secondly, this course touches upon the urban problems facing urban planners, such as gentrification, urban decline, congestion, etc. The third part explores the basic ethical, legal, scientific, and economic principles that underlie environmental planning. Planning strategies are examined as a vehicle for understanding the intent and scope of current environmental policy.

Lecture 1Introduction: overview and logistics
Urban Environment 
Lecture 2Origins and criticism of modern city planning
Lecture 3Urban decline and shrinking cities
Lecture 4Urban economics, zoning and growth controls
Lecture 5Planning administration and ethics
Lecture 6Urban inequality: housing and gentrification
Lecture 7Urban infrastructure, transport and land use
Natrual Environment 
Lecture 8Sustainability and resilience
Lecture 9Environmental ethics, policy and planning
Lecture 10Water management and land use planning
Lecture 11Ecological system and conservation planning